

We are committed to your privacy

Cancellation Terms and Charges for the Brand (User)

MYRSA discourages Cancellation; however we understand that Cancellations are mainly done in extenuating circumstances. In case of Cancellation under any circumstances MYRSA will incur certain liabilities including cost and expenses, which will have to be recovered from the party responsible for Cancellation. Any postponement of the booking (by either party) will be treated as a cancellation and will be governed by the Cancellation Policy. Refunds will be processed only after the Event date and will be only through online/bank transfer to the account from where payment was made and usually takes 7 working days.

By the User

Cancellation will be permitted only if it is done atleast three days in advance from the Event date (i.e. date for which the booking has been undertaken). The Cancellation fee will be as follows:

  • [0]% if canceled prior to the 6th day.
  • [50]% if canceled between 4-6 days in advance.
  • [75]% if canceled between 2-4 days in advance.
  • [100]% if canceled between 0-2 days in advance.
  • Myrsa service fee will be charged 3% extra of the total amount.
  • All applicable taxes will be deducted at actuals. By the Owner as defined below

100% refund of the amount without levy of any Myrsa service fee and or applicable taxes.

Cancellation Terms and Charges for the Premise Owner/ Host (Landlord)

In the event the Cancellation, the same will be governed by the following terms and conditions. However, in order to compensate the Landlord, MYRSA shall share with the landlord the Cancellation fee after deducting its service fee and all applicable taxes.

On cancellation, Space owner will be entitled to compensation maximum of:By the User
  • [0]% if canceled any day prior to the 6th day.
  • [25]% if canceled between 4-6 days in advance.
  • [50]% if canceled between 2-4 days in advance.
  • [75]% if canceled between 0-2 days in advance.
Myrsa commission will also be charged accordingly to payout. In case of any dispute and cancelation

Myrsa will have the final authority to take the decision and pay accordingly as its discretion.